Raffi Cavoukian, a cherished Canadian singer and children's entertainer, has enchanted audiences with his delightful tunes and gentle presence for decades. Among his most iconic works is the beloved song Baby Beluga, released in 1980. This song inspired the creation of the popular picture book Baby Beluga (Raffi Songs to Read).
Baby Beluga narrates the heartwarming tale of a young beluga whale exploring the ocean with friends. Raffi's inviting lyrics encourage children to embark on a whimsical adventure through the sea, encountering various marine animals. The song's catchy melody and repetitive words make it easy for kids to sing along and remember.
Through a collaboration with illustrator Ashley Wolff, Raffi transformed Baby Beluga into a visually stunning children's book in 1997. This book quickly became a hit, captivating both children and parents with its vibrant illustrations that bring the underwater world to life. Beyond entertaining, Baby Beluga carries a powerful environmental message, inspiring young readers to care for our oceans and their inhabitants from a young age.